Thursday, November 3, 2005

Coworkers are still irritating

One of the joys of being a manager is that this week I have to do annual performance reviews. Anyone who knows me well knows that I can be a perfectionist. This means that I expect the best from myself -- and those around me as well.

I knew that the review process was going to be sticky as soon as I started receiving the self-reviews I had asked my co-workers to complete. Apparently they are all exceptional employees with absolutely no flaws. When I told this to a friend, she said, "I guess it would be inappropriate to start the review by saying, 'Gosh. I never realized that I work with Mary Poppins.'"

The first review I gave did not go well. After 45 minutes of discussion, I guess this employee still was not satisfied. She simply cannot comprehend how she can merely "meet expectations." She has requested yet another meeting to discuss her review further. I wanted to shout, "Let it go, already. You are becoming annoying now." My friend pointed out that this woman has obviously never worked in a corporate setting. Otherwise she would be pleased with a review that consists of mostly "meets expectations" with a few "above average" thrown in.

May the last few reviews I do today and tomorrow not be as draining.

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