Tuesday, September 6, 2005

No photo

Ms. Natasha has survived her surgery. In fact she's currently playing and worrying me to death. What if she rips her stitches trying to jump on the kitchen counter?

I had thought of taking a photo but then decided that if I looked like she did, I wouldn't want anyone taking my photo. I expected that her belly would be shaved but both her front paws and her neck? What's up with that?

I also received a confirmation when I picked her up tonight. Apparently the vet realized that she was going into heat when he opened her up. Guess that explains all the hissing and spitting over the past week or so. She was also doing these super jumps at the doorknob. (I think she was trying to turn the doorknob so that she could get out.)

I do have a photo to post from my trip to SoCal -- something that has been bothering. That will be another day though.

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