Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Entertaining myself

If you read the comments from yesterday's post, then you know that the cute guy at work returned yesterday. He'll be around for the summer and then it's off to L.A. for a year. I know this because I grilled him. After a year in L.A., he will be returning to the Bay Area. The most important question I had for him was which car he ended up buying a couple of weeks ago. He got this. I forgot to ask what color. I guess that will be today's question. I so want to go for a ride in that car. Of course, this is not why you are here today so let me get on with it.

I went through with it and posted the ad. I had second thoughts about it after reading Kenneth's comment yesterday. Then I remembered that I'm not supposed to be nice and went ahead and wrote an ad. Nothing made-up. Just my usual self.

I received ten responses in the first hour. I like to think it's because I'm sassy. I ended up with something like 25 responses in total.

The first response I received? "Hey." I kid you not. That is all the guy wrote. What kind of response is that? He could not seriously think that I would write back with a response like that, did he? Yeah, I wrote back. It was a slow afternoon. This response was better than the pictures I received from another guy later in the afternoon -- one of his back and one of his chest. Why? Just tell me why. Big pecs do nothing for me.

What other stellar responses did I receive, you ask? Well, two of them were from married men. I guess I forgot to mention that I don't date married men. It looks like one was foolish enough to use his real name on his email. I should Google him. Another guy also answered using his real name and I did Google him.

The second answer was better because he actually wrote something and he included a picture. So the picture was headless. That's what happens when you are not exact in your requests. I always respond to a guy who makes me laugh though. Actually I responded to all of them in some way or another because I was feeling nice. It also helped when bachelor #2 made me laugh. I was instantly in a good mood for the rest of the afternoon.

One guy only sent a picture. He didn't bother to write a single thing. He looked kind of cute in the picture so of course I wrote.

Another guy sent a photo (cute again) but then wrote that he is not really into smokers. I sent him a photo. He sent me his phone number. Actually when I responded to the handful of guys with photos, I ended up with a few phone numbers.

I think I have improved in writing ads since that first one I posted last January. That time most of my responses were from guys who were almost old enough to be my father. Ewwwwww!!! Just the thought of it makes me want to take a shower. At least this time I did not put in a minimum height preference so I did not get that hate mail. Actually I think it was the header for the ad that did it this time.

By the way, Neil, the first time I tried this endeavor is when I created that email address. You'd be surprised how many guys just don't get it. Actually I'm not, now that I think about it.

There were actually a few in the batch that I would consider meeting. If that happens, I'll let y'all know.

And for those of y'all who like photos...

Apparently this is Boris's new bed.

What kind of picture did y'all think I was going to post?

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