Sunday, December 4, 2005

Party, party, party

San Diego was OK. It was work after all. I had to sit through four days of classes on sales. The worst part is that the classes started at 8. Who's the freak who set up that schedule. I don't even have to be at work that friggin early in the morning. Needless to say, I consumed large amounts of coffee. By Thursday night the women in my class decided that it was time for us to head out. Besides it was the woman from Utah's birthday. Ummm ... no alcohol? No caffeine? That wasn't too hard to figure out. These women's choice for an outing was a country and western place. You can all stop laughing now. I was the first one on the dancefloor in the place. Actually it was more like I was dragged onto the floor. This nice older guy (I would put him at 50-something) asked me to dance. He then worked his way through our group until he hit the woman who was around his age. They spent the rest of the evening chatting. On the ride back to the hotel, she shared that he is a highway patrol officer. Huh. Maybe I should have hung onto that one. I mean a uniform and handcuffs...

I ended up spending a couple of hours hanging out at the San Diego airport until my flight. That was the start of the liquid dinner. When my ride got near my apartment, we suddenly had the brilliant idea going out for more drinks. Who cares that I was supposed to be at work by 9 on Saturday? I did make it to work on time though. On my way home from work last night, I toyed with the idea of going out again but then I came to my senses. After a couple of glasses of wine at home, I passed out. I must say I feel much more rested now. I still have partying in the blood though. I'm off next weekend so maybe I'll just start on Thursday night.

I have also started planning my birthday party for next year. Yes, I know that it is months away. I figure that you only turn 40 once though -- or is that turn 29 twelve times? I spoke with a friend last week and she gave me even more ideas to go with the theme. Still need to find a location for the party though.

Non-party related news -- still hearing from the Belgian. (OK. So maybe that is party related since I met him after several cocktails.) He still sends daily emails. Last week he decided that since I like language so much, he would send me one written in Dutch. Isn't that sweet? Never mind that I do not understand a single word of Dutch. Fortunately one of the women in the training class does and was able to translate for me. He is also planning a return trip in early Spring. I had hoped to leave town around then. Guess I won't now.

Well, I believe the cocktail hour has started. Off to see what kind of mixers I have.

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