Wednesday, February 28, 2007


I got to work this morning and discovered that I was scheduled for my review meeting during the day. I've been rather worried about this over the last few weeks. I know that if you do not pass probation, by law they have to let you know by March 15.

My overall rating was "Satisfactory." Given the challenges I have had this year, I was more than ecstatic to receive that rating. We then discussed areas of improvement and how I could best make these changes. The principal mentioned that there is one teacher who does what I would like to do very well. This would be the teacher whose kids were in my classroom earlier this week due to the lack of substitutes. What I really like is that when this teacher returns, I will be given release time from my classroom so that I can observe his.

Part of me wants to go out and celebrate. But I still haven't regained my full voice. And as I am sitting here now, I am feeling slightly chilled. That can only mean one thing. The fever is back. I just want to be well again. Time for more tea and ibuprofen. *sigh*

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