Monday, October 31, 2005

I must be getting old

Today I suddenly remembered something that I had meant to include in yesterday's post. It was actually the reason why I was writing the post, or at least it was my original inspiration. I still can't believe that I forgot.

I have always been one to multitask. That meant that while I was painting, I needed to be doing something else. About two months ago, I bought a DVD recorder. The goal was to transfer all of these wonderful movies I have been saving on the DVR to DVD. The problem is that to do this, one must actually play the movie as this is a real-time recording. Which brings me to Sunday.

I thought I'd also add a couple of new photos so that you can get a better idea about the color.

No, I still haven't moved the furniture back. I wanted to make sure everything was dry.

One of the movies I had been putting off transferring is Lagaan. Now don't get me wrong. I love this movie. That's why I wanted it on DVD. The problem is the movie is three hours forty-five minutes long. It's hard for me to find time to actually sit down for that long. Actually a friend and I once joked that at points in the movie, one begins to think that one is watching a cricket match that is being played in real-time. It all worked perfectly. I hit the record button, painted my room, and returned to watch the last hour or so of the movie.

Thinking of the movie, made me think of The Iowa Baseball Confederacy. Then I began to wonder why this book had not been turned into a movie. I mean Shoeless Joe was made into a movie. I guess baseball movies aren't in fashion now.

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